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New post every month!

Are you tired of feeling like your voice isn't heard in the rheumatic disease community? Do you want to connect with others who understand what you're going through and offer guidance on navigating life with a rheumatic condition? Our platform is the perfect place for you to share your experiences and insights. Whether you want to discuss your relationship with arthritis or delve into niche topics that are often overlooked, we welcome your contributions. So don't hesitate - submit a blog today and join our supportive community. Need some inspiration? Check out our blog page for a wealth of stories, perspectives, and resources.


Idiopathic. An adjective ‘relating to or denoting any disease or condition which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown’...

Happy Campers

Like many people who have Juvenile Arthritis, I was diagnosed before I was old enough to fully grasp what those words meant. Growing up...

Two Pens on Notebook
  • Who can be a guest?
    Anyone can be a guest! Whether you live with a rheumatic disease, are a friend, parent, or healthcare professional we would love to hear what you have to say about your experiences.
  • What is the process like?
    To be a guest, you will need to fill out our guest application form. Once you have done this, we will contact you to set up a date that works for the host and you! A unique discussion template will be curated based on the information you provide and will be used on the filming date to guide the discussion.
  • Where can I apply?
    You can apply to be a guest using this google form!
  • When will the podcast be posted?
    Our podcasts are posted bi-weekly and specific dates will be given on a case-to-case basis.
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